Acupressure Massage for Arthritis
These are the acupressure points for [...]
These are the acupressure points for [...]
There are the acupressure points for relieving Arthritis. Working [...]
Name: Zhi Bian Chinese Name: 秩邊 Location: In the center of the [...]
獨活 Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Angelicae pubescentis Botanical Name: [...]
五加皮 Acanthopanax bark (Wujiapi) Pharmaceutical Name: Cortex Acanthopanacis Botanical Name: Acanthopanax gracilistylus [...]
豨簽草 Siegesbeckia (Xixiancao) Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Siegesbeckiae Botanical Name: 1. Siegesbeckia pubescens [...]
木瓜 Chaenomeles fruit (Mugua) Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus chaenomelis Botanical Name: Chaenomeles speciosa [...]
雞血藤 Spatholobus stem (Jixueteng) Pharmaceutical Name: Caulis Millettiae. Caulis spatholobi Botanical Name: [...]
絡石藤 Chinese starjasmine (Luoshiteng) Pharmaceutical Name: Calilis trachelospermi Botanical Name: Tranchelospermun jasminoides [...]
川 芎 Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix chuanxiong Botanical Name: Ligusticum [...]