This maintain normal sugar blood herbal tea reduces blood sugar, reinforces the spleen and stomach.
This tea reduces blood sugar, reinforces the spleen and stomach, and preserves vital essence, especially good for people who has diabetes or weak body.
1. 60g Shan Yao Phizoma Discoreae
2. 40g Fwu Ling Poria
3. 40g Jyu Hua Flos Chrysanthemi
1. Combine all the ingredients in a pot.
2. Add 3 liters of water.
3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a low simmer.
4. Cook for 60 minutes.
5. Makes about 2 liters of tea.
6. Let cool, strain, and chill.
7. Makes 3 servings. Drink one serving every day.
This tea reduces blood sugar, reinforces the spleen and stomach, and preserves vital essence, especially good for people who has diabetes or weak body.