Acupressure Massage for High Blood Pressure
These are the acupressure points for [...]
These are the acupressure points for [...]
There are the acupressure points for relieving High Blood [...]
To reduce high blood pressure with foot massage, you need to massage [...]
青箱子 Celosia seed (Qingxiangzi) Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Celosiae Botanical Name: 1. Celosia [...]
葛根 Pueraria root (Gegen) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Puerariae Botanical Name: 1. Pueraria [...]
羅布麻 Dogbane (Luobuma) Pharmaceutical Name: Folium Apocyni veneti Botanical Name: Apocynum venetum [...]
赤芍 Red peony (Chishao) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Paeoniae Rubra Botanical Name: 1. [...]
山茱萸 Dogwood fruit (Shanzhuyu) Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Corni Botanical Name: Cornus officinalis [...]
海草 Seaweed (Haizao) Pharmaceutical Name: Sargassum Botanical Name: 1. Sargassum pallidum (Turn.) [...]
杜仲 Eucommia bark (Duzhong) Pharmaceutical Name: Cortex Eucommiae Botanical Name: Eucommia [...]