Acupressure Massage for High Blood Pressure
These are the acupressure points for [...]
These are the acupressure points for [...]
There are the acupressure points for relieving High Blood [...]
To reduce high blood pressure with foot massage, you need to massage [...]
蘇子 Perilla seed (Suzi) Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Perillae Botanical Name: Perilla frutescens [...]
澤瀉 Alismatis rhizome (Zexie) Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Alismatis Botanical Name: Alisma orientalis [...]
車前子 Plantain seed (Cheqianzi) Pharmaceutical Name: Semen plantaginis Botanical Name: 1. Plantago [...]
黃蓍 Astragalus root (Huangqi) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Astragali Botanical Name: 1. Astragalus [...]
夏枯草 Prunella spike,Selfheal (Xiakucao) Pharmaceutical Name: Spica Prunellae Botanical Name: Prunella vulgaris [...]
梔子 Capejasmine (Zhizi) Pharmaceutical Name: Pructus Gardeniae Botanical Name: Gardenia jaminoides Ellis [...]
獨活 Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Angelicae pubescentis Botanical Name: [...]