
Seaweed (Haizao)

Pharmaceutical Name: Sargassum

Botanical Name: 1. Sargassum pallidum (Turn.) G. Ag.. 2. Sargassum fusiforme (Harv.) Setch.

Common Name: Sargassum, seaweed

Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing

Part Used: Entire plant. It is collected in summer, cleaned, cut into pieces and dried in the shade.

Natural Properties & Taste: Salty and cold

Meridians: Liver, stomach and kidney

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To resolve phlegm and soften hardness.

2. To promote water metabolism.

1. Goiter. Seaweed (Haizao) is used with Laminaria (Kunbu) in the formula Haizao Yuhu Tang.

2. Scrofula. Seaweed (Haizao) is used with Prunella spike (Xiakucao), Scrophularia (Xuanshen) and Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) in the formula Neixiao Lei Li Wan.

3. Edema of the foot or general edema. Seaweed (Haizao) is used with Poria (Fuling) and Alismatis rhizome (Zexie).

Dosage: 10-15 g

Cautions & Contraindications: This herb should not be combined with Licorice root (Gancao), as they counteract each other.