
Radish seed (Laifuzi)

Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Raphani

Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus L.

Common Name: Radish seed

Source of Earliest Record: Rihuazi Bencao

Part Used: The ripe seeds are gathered in the beginning of summer and dried in the sun.

Natural Properties & Taste: Pungent, sweet and neutral

Meridians: Spleen, stomach and lung

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To eliminate food retention.

2. To descend qi and resolve phlegm.

1. Retention of food manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness, acid regurgitation, abdominal pain, diarrhea and tenesmus. Radish seed (Laifuzi) is used with Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha), Medicated leaven (Shenqu) and Tangerine peel (Chenpi) in the formula Baohe Wan.

2. Excessive phlegm manifested as cough with profuse sputum or asthma. Radish seed (Laifuzi) is used with White mustard seed (Baijiezi) and Perilla seed (Suzi) in the formula Sanzi Yangqing Tang.

Dosage: 6-10 g