
Musk (Shexiang)

Pharmaceutical Name: Moschus

Zoological Name: 1. Moschus berezovskii Flerov. 2. Moschus sifanicus Przewalski. 3. Moschus moschiferus L.

Common Name: Musk

Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing

Part Used: The secretion is obtained from the naval musk gland of male musk deers. It is dried in the shade in winter or spring.

Natural Properties & Taste: Pungent and warm

Meridians: Heart and spleen

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To open the orifices and clear the mind.
2. To invigorate the blood and disperse nodules.
3. To stop pain.

4. To expel placenta labor.

1. Unconsciousness due to high fever. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Ox gallstone (Niuhuang) and Rhinoceros horn (Xijiao) in the formula Zhibao Dan.

2. Unconsciousness due to windstroke. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Storax (Suhexiang) and Cloves (Dingxiang) in the formula Suhexiang Wan.

3. Carbuncles, furuncles and swellings. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Frankincense (Ruxiang), Myrrh (Moyao) and Realgar (Xionghuang) in the formula Xingxiao Wan.

4. Sudden severe pain in the chest and abdominal region. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Costus root (Muxiang), Peach seed (Taoren) and herbs that invigorate the blood in a formula such as Shexiang Tang.

5. Swelling and pain caused by external injuries. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Sappan wood (Sumu), Myrrh (Moyao) and Safflower (Honghua) in the formula Bali San.

6. Dead fetus or placenta failing to be expelled. Musk (Shexiang) is used with Cinnamon bark (Rougui) in the formula Xiang Gui San.

Dosage: 0.06-0.1 g (in pill form)

Cautions & Contraindications: The substance must not be cooked. It is contraindicated during pregnancy.