Common knotgrass (Bianxu)

Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Polygoni avicularis

Botanical Name: Polygonum aviculare L.

Common Name: Polygonum, Common knotgrass

Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing

Part Used: The aerial parts of the plant are gathered in summer and dried in the sun.

Natural Properties & Taste: Bitter and slightly cold

Meridians: Urinary bladder

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To promote water metabolism and regulate abnormal urination.
2. To expel parasites and stop itching

1. Damp-heat in the urinary bladder manifested as scanty urine with blood, painful urination, urgency of micturition and frequent urination. Common knotgrass (Bianxu) is used with Pink (Qumai), Clematis stem (Mutong) and Talc (Huashi) in the formula Bazhen San.

2. Eczema and trichomonas vaginalis. The decoction of Common knotgrass (Bianxu) is used externally for washing.

Dosage: 10-15 g