
These are the acupressure points for impotence. Working on these points can help you get better faster. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective.

Acupressure Point CV8 — Shen Que
Chinese Name: 神闕

Location: in the center of the belly button.
Benefits: abdominal pain, unchecked diarrhea, abdominal distention, flatulence, prolapse of the rectum.

Acupressure Point GV4 — Ming Men
Chinese Name: 命門

Location: below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.
Benefits: stiffness of the back, lumbago, impotence, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, diarrhea, indigestion, leukorrhea.

Acupressure Point UB23 — Shen Shu
Chinese Name: 腎俞

Location: 3 finger width lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Benefits: impotence, deafness, male disorders, low energy, sexual dysfunction in men, weakness in of the knee, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, irregular menstruation.

Acupressure Point GV3 — Yao Yang Guan
Chinese Name: 腰陽關

Location: below the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra, level with the iliac crest.
Benefits: irregular menstruation, nocturnal emission, impotence, pain in the lumbosacral region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities.

Acupressure Point K10 — Yin Gu
Chinese Name: 陰谷

Location: when the knee is flexed, the point is on the medial side of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of m. Semitendinosus and semimembranosus, level with UB 40.
Benefits: impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding, pain in the knee, mental disorders, and hair loss.

Acupressure Point M-LE-13 — Lan Wei Xue
Chinese Name: 闌尾穴

Location: The tender spot about 2 body inches below St 36.
Benefits: Activates qi and blood and clears heat and fire poison from the Large Intestine. Acute and chronic appendicitis, indigestion, abdominal pains, abdominal spasms, poor peristalsis, incontinence of the bowel and bladder, paralysis of the lower extremities.

Acupressure Point SP6 — San Yin Jiao
Chinese Name: 三陰交

Location: On the inside surface of the leg, four fingers-width above the inner anklebone.
Benefits: balancing point, abdominal distention, loose stools with undigested food, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, clinical depression, immune deficiency disorders, chronic fatigue, impotence, low sperm, sterility in men and women, regulate hormone function, low sexual desire in men and women, pain in the external genitalia, warts, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, insomnia, PMS, hot flashes, cold limbs, side effects of radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Acupressure Point K3 — Tai Xi
Chinese Name: 太溪

Location: in the depression between the medial malleolus and tendo-calcaneus, level withe tip of the medial malleolus.
Benefits: balancing point, sore throat, toothache, deafness, hemoptysis, asthma, insomnia, impotence, frequency of urination, lower backache, swollen gums, palpitations, fear, emotions, anxiety attacks, vomiting, cold sores. “ever young point” to remove the age lines, to reduce the sensation of excessive heat or cold, side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Acupressure Point K6 — Zhao Hai
Chinese Name: 照海

Location: 1 body inch below the medial malleolus.
Benefits: irregular menstruation, PMS, prolapse of the uterus, pruritus vulvae, frequency of urination, epilepsy, insomnia, sore throat, increase psychic ability, impotence, male sexual problems.

It is important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, to help clear away toxic substances in our body.

Caution: You should consult with a healthcare professional before practicing Acupressure or starting any diet, exercise, Chinese herbs or other supplementation programs.