Acupressure Massage for Ear Infection
By Last Updated: November 20th, 2016Categories: Acupressure, Ear, Natural Healing
Ear Infection
Ear Infection

These are the acupressure points for ear infection. Working on these points can help you get better faster. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective.

Acupressure Point ST7 — Xia Guan
Chinese Name: 下關

Location: at the lower border of the zygomatic arch, in the depression anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible when the mouth is closed.
Benefits: deafness, tinnitus, ear infection, tooth ache, facial paralysis, pain in the face, t.m.j. Pain.

Acupressure Point SI19 — Ting Gong
Chinese Name: 聽宮

Location: anterior to the tragus and posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible, in the depression formed when the mouth is open.
Benefits: deafness, tinnitus, ear infection, toothache, t.m.j. Pain.

Acupressure Point TH5 — Wai Guan
Chinese Name: 外關

Location: three finger width above wrist crease on the dorsal side.
Benefits: headaches, pain in the cheek, jaw, TMJ problems, deafness, ringing in the ears, sensation of plugged ear, earache, pain behind the ear, pain in the hand, arthritis of the hands, hand tremor, to regulate abnormal heat sensation

Acupressure Point LI11 — Qu Chi
Chinese Name: 曲池

Location: On the top, outer end of the elbow crease. bend your arm, press your thumb into the hollow located on the top, outer end of the elbow crease, directly above the elbow, between the elbow joint (below) and the muscle (above).
Benefits: food allergy, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, sore throat, pain in the elbow and arm, tennis elbow, to balance the energy in cancer patients. Relieves allergies, particularly inflamed skin disorders (such as hives and rashes), itching, and fevers.

Acupressure Point K9 — Zhu Bin
Chinese Name: 築賓

Location: at the lower end of the muscle gastrocnemius in the medial aspect, 7 finger width above the tip of the medial malleolus.
Benefits: pain in the medial aspect of the leg, poor water metabolism, water retention, blood poisoning, help with kidney filtration, high creatinine in the blood, high urea nitrogen, high sodium intake, high blood pressure, venereal diseases, syphilis, chemical toxemia, mental fog, poor memory, manic disorders.

It is important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, to help clear away toxic substances in our body.

Caution: You should consult with a healthcare professional before practicing Acupressure or starting any diet, exercise, Chinese herbs or other supplementation programs.

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Written by : Grace Chen

Hi, I'm Grace Chen. I’m enthusiastic about Traditional Chinese Medicine, natural healing including Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Acupressure, Qi-Gong, foot massage and more. My passion for herbs had been a lifelong journey beginning as a young girl always been fascinated by my grandfather’s Chinese Herbal Medicine chest, full of amazing goodies helping people get well. To chase my dreams, I created a website, to share my passion, my grandfather Dr. Chen’s herbal recipes, interesting new and the translation of the classical Chinese herbal formulas with the world. Hope you enjoy it!

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