Acupressure Point GV11 (also known as DU-11)
Name: Chen Dao Chinese Name: 神道 Location: below the spinous [...]
Acupressure Point CV4
Name: Guan Yuan Chinese Name: 關元 Location: on the midline [...]
Acupressure Point ST3
Name: Ju Liao Chinese Name: 巨廖 Location: At the bottom [...]
Acupressure Point ST16
Name: Ying Chuang Chinese Name: 膺窗 Location: in the 3rd [...]
Acupressure Point GB39
Name: Xuan Zhong Chinese Name: 懸鐘 Location: 3 body inches [...]
Acupressure Point GB20
Name: Fen Chi Chinese Name: 風池 Location: below the base [...]
Acupressure Point TW4
Name: Yang Chi Chinese Name: 陽池 Location: on the back [...]
Acupressure Point LI20
Name: Ying Xiang Chinese Name: 迎 香 Location: at the [...]
Acupressure Point LI13
Name: Shou Wu Li Chinese Name: 手 五 里 Location: [...]
Acupressure Point GV14 (also known as DU-14)
Name: Daz Hui Chinese Name: 大椎 Location: below the spinous [...]
Acupressure Point CV6
Name: Qi Hai Chinese Name: 氣海 Location: on the midline [...]
Acupressure Point ST31
Name: Bi Guan Chinese Name: 髀關 Location: In the front, [...]
Acupressure Point ST18
Name: Ru Gen Chinese Name: 乳 根 Location: Directly below [...]
Acupressure Point LV5 (also known as LIV 5)
Name: Li Gou Chinese Name: 蠡溝 Location: 7 finger width [...]
Acupressure Point GB21
Name: Jian Jing Chinese Name: 肩井 Location: On the top [...]
Acupressure Point TW5
Name: Wai Guan Chinese Name: 外關 Location: on the back [...]
Acupressure Point LI4
Name: Hoku Chinese Name: 合 谷 Location: At the highest [...]
Acupressure Point GV26 (also known as DU-26)
Name: Ren Zhong Chinese Name: 人中 Location: below the nose, [...]
Acupressure Point GV16 (also known as DU-16)
Name: Feng Fu Chinese Name: 風府 Location: in the back [...]
Acupressure Point CV8
Name: Shen Que Chinese Name: 神闕 Location: in the center [...]
Acupressure Point ST35
Name: Du Bi Chinese Name: 犢 鼻 Location: On the [...]
Acupressure Point ST2
Name: Si Bai Chinese Name: 四白 Location: One finger width [...]
Acupressure Point LV8 (also known as LIV 8)
Name: Qu Quan Chinese Name: 曲泉 Location: on the medial [...]
Acupressure Point GB29
Name: Ju Liao Chinese Name: 居髎 Location: on the side [...]
Acupressure Point UB1
Name: Jing Ming Chinese Name: 睛明 Location: just inside the [...]