Sea Clam Shell (Haigeqiao)
By Last Updated: April 7th, 2015Categories: Medicinal Herbs

Sea clam shell (Haigeqiao)

Pharmaceutical Name: Concha Meretricis seu Cyclinae

Zoological Name: 1. Cyclina sinensis Gmelin. 2. Meretrix meretrix L.

Common Name: Clam shell

Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing

Part Used: The clam shells are collected from the seashore and pounded into powder.

Natural Properties & Taste: Bitter, salty and cold

Meridians: Lung and stomach

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To clear heat in the lungs and resolve phlegm.
2. To soften hardness and release nodules

1. Phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with thick yellow sputum, asthma, chest pain and hypochondriac pain. Sea clam shell (Haigeqiao) is used with Costazia bone (Haifushi), Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian), Mulberry bark (Sangbaipi), Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou).

2. Scrofula and goiter. Sea clam shell (Haigeqiao) is used with Laminaria (Kunbu), Seaweed (Haizao) and Ark shell (Walengzi) in the formula Hanhua Wan.

Dosage: 10-15 g

Cautions & Contraindications: This substance is normally used in powdered form and should be placed in a cloth bag for decoction or removed from the decoction with a strainer.

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Written by : Grace Chen

Hi, I'm Grace Chen. I’m enthusiastic about Traditional Chinese Medicine, natural healing including Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Acupressure, Qi-Gong, foot massage and more. My passion for herbs had been a lifelong journey beginning as a young girl always been fascinated by my grandfather’s Chinese Herbal Medicine chest, full of amazing goodies helping people get well. To chase my dreams, I created a website, to share my passion, my grandfather Dr. Chen’s herbal recipes, interesting new and the translation of the classical Chinese herbal formulas with the world. Hope you enjoy it!

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