Jin Qian Cao (Jin Qian Cao)
Lysimachia (Jinqiancao)
Pharmaceutical Name: 1. Herba Lysimachiae. 2. Herba Desmodii
Botanical Name: 1. Lysimachia christinae Hance (primulaceae). 2. Dessmodium styracifolium (Osbeck) Merr. (Leguminosae)
Common Name: Lysimachia, Dessmodium
Source of Earliest Record: Bencao Gangmu Shiyi
Part Used: The whole plant is gathered in summer or autumn, cleaned and dried in the sun.
Natural Properties & Taste: Sweet or no taste and neutral
Meridians: Liver, gall bladder, kidney and urinary bladder
Therapeutic Effects:
1. To promote water metabolism and relieve abnormal urination.
2. To transform dampness and relieve jaundice.
1. Damp-heat in the urinary bladder manifested as hot urination, urinary tract stones, painful urination, frequent urination, urgency of micturition, abdominal pain and biliary stones. Lysimachia (Jinqiancao) is used with Lygodium spores (Haijinsha) and Chicken’s gizzard skin (Jineijin) in the formula Sanjin Tang.
2. Damp-heat jaundice. Lysimachia (Jinqiancao) is used with Oriental wormwood (Yinchenhao) and Capejasmine (Zhizi).
Dosage: 30-60 g
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Written by : Grace Chen
Hi, I'm Grace Chen. I’m enthusiastic about Traditional Chinese Medicine, natural healing including Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Acupressure, Qi-Gong, foot massage and more. My passion for herbs had been a lifelong journey beginning as a young girl always been fascinated by my grandfather’s Chinese Herbal Medicine chest, full of amazing goodies helping people get well. To chase my dreams, I created a website, HerbalShop.com to share my passion, my grandfather Dr. Chen’s herbal recipes, interesting new and the translation of the classical Chinese herbal formulas with the world. Hope you enjoy it!
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