Acupressure Massage for Stress Relief
By Last Updated: May 26th, 2017Categories: Acupressure, Anxiety, Stress

These are the acupressure points for anger. Working on these points can help you get better faster. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective.

YIN TANG (M-HN-3) 印堂
Hall of Impression

Location: midpoint between the medial end of the two eyebrows. Use the tip of your thumb or index finger probe the area midway between the medial end of the two eyebrows as indicated on the picture until you feel a slight dip.
Benefits: frontal headache, hyperactivity, adhd, cannot stop thinking, energy imbalances, jet lag, to control addictions to food, drug, alcohol, smoking etc., to improve psychic ability, reduce mental fog, to improve memory and mental clarity, face lift point, tearing of the eyes.
• Pacifies wind and calms the shen
• Benefits the nose
• Activates the channel and alleviates pain

BAI HUI (GV-20) 百會
Hundred Meetings

The name Baihui DU-20 (Hundred Meetings) reflects the location of this point at the crown of the head which is the meeting of all the yang qi of the body, and its ability to treat the ‘one hundred diseases’.
Location: At the vertex on the midline, in the depression 5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 7 cun superior to the posterior hairline. This point may also be measured as 8 cun posterior to the glabella and 6 cun superior to the external occipital protuberance.
• Pacifies wind and subdues yang
• Raises yang and counters prolapse
• Benefits the head and sense organs
• Nourishes the sea of marrow
• Benefits the brain and calms the spirit

SHEN TING (GV-24) 神庭
Courtyard of the Spirit

Location: On the midline, at the junction of the forehead and the hairline. Directly between your eyebrows in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the center of the forehead.
• Benefits the brain and calms the spirit
• Eliminates wind and benefits the head
• Benefits the nose and eyes

FENG FU (GV-16) 風府
Palace of Wind

Location: On the midline at the nape of the neck, in the depression immediately below the external occipital protuberance.
• Eliminates wind
• Nourishes the sea of marrow and benefits the head and neck
• Calms the spirit

NEI GUAN (P-6) 內關
Inner Pass

Location: On the flexor aspect of the forearm, 2 cun proximal to Daling P-7, between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.
• Unbinds the chest and regulates qi
• Regulates the Heart and calms the spirit
• Harmonises the Stomach and alleviates nausea
a• nd vomiting
• Clears heat
• Opens the Yin Linking vessel

TONG LI (HE-5) 通里
Penetrating the Interior

Location: 1 body inch above the wrist crease on the ulnar side.
Benefits: palpitation, dizziness, blurred vision, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, stiffness of the tongue, nervousness, pain in the wrist and arm.
• Calms the spirit
• Regulates Heart rhythm
• Benefits the tongue
• Activates the channel and alleviates pain

SHEN MEN (HE-7) 神門
Spirit Gate

Location: At the wrist joint, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, in the depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone.
• Calms the spirit
• Regulates and tonifies the Heart
• Help with Insomnia, frequent talking during sleep, poor memory, depression

HE GU (L I-4) 合谷
Joining Valley

Location: At the highest spot of the muscle on the back of the hand that protrudes when the thumb and index finger are brought close together. Midway between the thumb and index finger approximately one body inch above the web.
• Regulates the defensive qi and adjusts sweating
• Expels wind and releases the exterior
• Regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears
• Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Induces labor
• Restores the yang

JIAN JING (GB-21) 肩井
Shoulder Well

Meeting point of the Gall Bladder, Sanjiao and Stomach channels with the Yang Linking vessel
Location: Midway between Dazhui DU-14 and the tip of the acromion, at the crest of the trapezius muscle..
Benefits: neck rigidity, pain in the shoulder, pain in the back, mastitis, arthritis of the hand and arm, to increase the bust size in women, prevent sagging breast.

QU CHI (LI-11) 曲池
Pool at the Crook

Location: On the top, outer end of the elbow crease. bend your arm, press your thumb into the hollow located on the top, outer end of the elbow crease, directly above the elbow, between the elbow joint (below) and the muscle (above).
Benefits: food allergy, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, sore throat, pain in the elbow and arm, tennis elbow, to balance the energy in cancer patients. Relieves allergies, particularly inflamed skin disorders (such as hives and rashes), itching, and fevers.
• Clears heat
• Cools the blood, eliminates wind, drains damp and
• alleviates itching
• Regulates qi and blood
• ctivates the channel and alleviates pain

ZU SAN LI (ST-36) 足三里
Leg Three Miles

Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap toward the outside of the shinbone.
• Harmonises the Stomach
• Fortifies the Spleen and resolves dampness
• Supports the correct qi and fosters the original qi
• Tonifies qi and nourishes blood and yin
• Clears fire and calms the spirit
• Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Revives the yang and restores consciousness

KUN LUN (BL-60) 崑崙
Kunlun Mountains

Location: Behind the ankle joint, in the depression between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles Tendon.
• Clears heat and lowers yang
• Pacifies wind and leads down excess
• Activates the entire Bladder channel and alleviates pain
• Relaxes the sinews and strengthens the lumbar spine

It is important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, to help clear away toxic substances in our body.

Caution: You should consult with a healthcare professional before practicing Acupressure or starting any diet, exercise, Chinese herbs or other supplementation programs.

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Written by : Grace Chen

Hi, I'm Grace Chen. I’m enthusiastic about Traditional Chinese Medicine, natural healing including Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Acupressure, Qi-Gong, foot massage and more. My passion for herbs had been a lifelong journey beginning as a young girl always been fascinated by my grandfather’s Chinese Herbal Medicine chest, full of amazing goodies helping people get well. To chase my dreams, I created a website, to share my passion, my grandfather Dr. Chen’s herbal recipes, interesting new and the translation of the classical Chinese herbal formulas with the world. Hope you enjoy it!

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