Acupressure Point GB44
Name: Zu Qiao Yin
Chinese Name: 足竅陰
Location: on the lateral side of the fourth toe, about 0.1 body inch posterior to the corner of the nail.
Benefits: migraine, deafness, ringing in the ears, eye troubles, like poor vision, blurred vision, infection, red eye, fever, dream disturbed sleep.
To activate your body’s self-healing power, first locate of the acupressure points that you need to work on for your specific needs. Apply firm pressure is the most fundamental technique. Use thumbs, fingers, palms, the side of the hand, or knuckles to apply steady, stationary pressure to the point for 1-2 minutes.
A general guideline to follow is that the pressure should be firm enough so that it hurts a little. The more developed the muscles are, the more pressure you should apply. If you feel extreme sensitivity or pain, gradually decrease the pressure until you find a balance between pain and pleasure. Do not continue to press a point that is excruciatingly painful.
It’s important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, helps to clear away toxic substances in our body.
Caution: please consult with your physician before practicing Acupressure.
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Written by : Grace Chen
Hi, I'm Grace Chen. I’m enthusiastic about Traditional Chinese Medicine, natural healing including Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Acupressure, Qi-Gong, foot massage and more. My passion for herbs had been a lifelong journey beginning as a young girl always been fascinated by my grandfather’s Chinese Herbal Medicine chest, full of amazing goodies helping people get well. To chase my dreams, I created a website, HerbalShop.com to share my passion, my grandfather Dr. Chen’s herbal recipes, interesting new and the translation of the classical Chinese herbal formulas with the world. Hope you enjoy it!
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