
Storax (Suhexiang)

Pharmaceutical Name: Styrax

Botanical Name: Liquidambar orientalis Mill.

Common Name: Storax

Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu

Part Used: The resin, or balsam, from the trunk or bark is collected in autumn.

Natural Properties & Taste: Pungent and warm

Meridians: Heart and spleen

Therapeutic Effects:
1. To open the orifices and clear the mind.

2. To stop pain.

1. Sudden coma caused by qi stagnation or unconsciousness due to windstroke. Storax (Suhexiang) is used with Musk (Shexiang), Cloves (Dingxiang) and Benzoin (Anxixiang) in the formula Suhexiang Wan.

2. Stifling sensation and pain in the chest. Storax (Suhexiang) is used with Borneol (Bingpian), Sandalwood (Tanxiang) and Cloves (Dingxiang) in formulas such as Guanxin Suhexiang Wan and Su Bing Diwan.

Dosage: 0.3-1 g (in pill form)